Cart Features

Manual Order

The manual order feature allows you to quickly add items to your cart by entering the Venkel part number, your internal part number, and the desired quantity. This can be especially useful when you have specific requirements or need to order items not listed in the catalog.

Step 1: Accessing Your Cart

Log in to your Venkel website account using your username and password. 

Once logged in, navigate to the shopping cart by clicking on the "Cart" or "My Cart" link located at the top right corner of the webpage

Step 2: Initiating a Manual Order

In the cart, you'll find an option to manually add items. Look for the title labeled "MANUAL ORDER". Click on the first field to start the manual order process.

Step 3: Entering Part Details

You'll be presented with a form where you can enter the following information for each item you want to add to your cart manually:

  • Venkel Part Number: Input the Venkel part number for the component you wish to order.
  • Internal Part Number: Enter your internal reference number or any identification code you use within your organization.
  • Quantity: Specify the quantity of the item you want to order.

Step 4: Adding Items to Your Cart

After filling out the required information for the item, click the "Add to Cart" button to add the item to your shopping cart.

Step 5: Review and Complete the Order

Once you've added all the desired items to your cart manually, review your cart to ensure everything is correct.

If everything looks accurate, proceed to the checkout process by clicking on the "Checkout" or "Proceed to Checkout" button.

File Upload

The file upload order feature allows you to quickly add items to your cart from a file. With this feature, you can upload .xls, .xlsx, .csv, or .txt files containing your requested parts. You'll also learn how to map columns to the right fields and specify if your file has header rows.

Step 1: Accessing Your Cart

Log in to your Venkel website account using your username and password. 

Once logged in, navigate to the shopping cart by clicking on the "Cart" or "My Cart" link located at the top right corner of the webpage

Step 2: Initiating a File Upload

In the cart, look for an option that allows you to upload a file to add items. It will be labeled as "UPLOAD A FILE". Click inside of it to start the file upload process.

Step 3: Choosing the File

Click inside of the "UPLOAD A FILE" box to browse your computer for the file you want to upload. Or drag and drop the file into the box. Note: only .xls, .xlsx, .csv, or .txt. are accepted.

Step 4: Mapping Columns

Once the file is uploaded, you will be presented with a screen to map columns to the right fields.

If your file contains header rows (a row with labels at the top), ensure that you check the option at the top "First Part Record Begins On Row" specifying which row number your data begins on. This tells the system to skip the header row.

Match the columns in your uploaded file to the corresponding fields on the Venkel website. For example, map "Venkel Part Number" to the column containing Venkel part numbers and "Quantity" to the column containing quantities.

Step 5: Handling Quantity Errors

After mapping the columns correctly, the system will perform a check on the quantities entered.

If the quantity of a part number is not a multiple of a reel size or does not meet the minimum order quantity, an error screen will pop up.

The error screen will display a table with the requested part numbers that need correction, prompting the user to enter the correct data for those items.

Step 6: Review and Add to Cart

After correcting the quantity errors, review the information to ensure accuracy.

If everything looks accurate, proceed to the checkout process by clicking on the "Checkout" or "Proceed to Checkout" button.

Bulk Upload

This feature allows you to quickly add multiple items to your cart by typing or pasting the requested part numbers, quantities, and optional internal part numbers in a specific format. Whether you're ordering in large quantities or need to order multiple components at once, this feature can save you time and effort.

Step 1: Accessing Your Cart

Log in to your Venkel website account using your username and password. 

Once logged in, navigate to the shopping cart by clicking on the "Cart" or "My Cart" link located at the top right corner of the webpage

Step 2: Initiating a File Upload

In the cart, look for an option that allows you to upload a file to add items. It will be labeled as "UPLOAD A FILE". Click inside of it to start the file upload process.

Step 3: Formatting Your Input

In the bulk upload interface, you'll find a text box where you can type or paste your requested part numbers. Here's the required format for each line:

Venkel Part Number, Quantity, [Internal Part Number]

Separate each element (Venkel Part Number, Quantity, Internal Part Number) with a comma.

Enter one product per line.

Step 4: Entering Your Part Numbers

Begin typing or pasting your part numbers, quantities, and optional internal part numbers into the text box, following the specified format for each line.

Step 5: Handling Quantity Errors

After entering the part numbers correctly, the system will perform a check on the quantities entered.

If the quantity of a part number is not a multiple of a reel size or does not meet the minimum order quantity, an error screen will pop up.

The error screen will display a table with the requested part numbers that need correction, prompting the user to enter the correct data for those items.

Step 6: Review and Add to Cart

After correcting the quantity errors, review the information to ensure accuracy.

If everything looks accurate, proceed to the checkout process by clicking on the "Checkout" or "Proceed to Checkout" button.


1: What is the difference between manual upload, file upload, and bulk upload on the Venkel website?

Answer: Manual upload involves entering part numbers, quantities, and optional internal part numbers individually. File upload allows you to upload a file (e.g., .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .txt) with part numbers, quantities, and optional internal part numbers. Bulk upload is a text-based input method where you type or paste part numbers, quantities, and optional internal part numbers in a specific format.

2: Can I use any file format for the file upload feature?

Answer: The file upload feature supports common file formats, including .xls, .xlsx, .csv, and .txt. You can upload files in these formats only to quickly add items to your cart.

3: Do I need to include an internal part number when using the file upload feature?

Answer: No, the internal part number is optional when using the file upload feature. You can choose to include it if you have one, but it's not required.

4: How do I handle quantity errors when using the file upload feature?

Answer: The system will check for quantity errors when using the file upload feature. If there's an issue (e.g., quantity not meeting minimum order requirements), you will be prompted to correct the data before adding the items to your cart.

5: Is there a limit to the number of items I can add through manual, file, or bulk upload?

Answer: While there may be limits, these features are designed to handle a significant number of items. Please ensure your list is manageable for review and accuracy. If there are any problems please contact us.

6: Can I use these upload features for international orders?

Answer: Yes, you can use these upload features for international orders. Be sure to provide any additional information required for international shipping during the checkout process.

7: Can I review and edit the items I've uploaded before checking out?

Answer: Yes, you can review and edit the items you've uploaded before finalizing your order. This ensures accuracy and allows you to make any necessary changes.

8: What do I do if I encounter technical issues or have additional questions about these upload features?

Answer: If you encounter technical issues or have more questions about these upload features or any other aspect of the Venkel website, please reach out to your account manager or visit our "Contact Us" page. Our support team will assist you promptly and provide further guidance as needed.

More Help

If you need additional assistance or have specific questions about using the bulk upload feature or any other aspect of the Venkel website, please visit our "Contact Us" page. You can fill out the provided form to get in touch with our dedicated account management team, who will be happy to assist you with your inquiries and provide further guidance. 


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